Located in Cedarburg, WI
Servicing Small Businesses Across the Country

About Your Marketing Team

Your Marketing Team focuses on small business. We understand small businesses because we are one. Unlike many other agencies, we don’t dream of becoming a huge firm. We focus on keeping our overhead low, our ideas fresh, and our message clear. Our goal is to be able to serve clients that larger companies can’t afford to take on, and help them grow. We don’t want to be your agency; we want to be your marketing team.

Wade Knopf

Founder and Owner, Your Marketing Team


Our founder, Wade Knopf, developed Your Marketing Team with the dream of helping small businesses succeed. He designed the company to function as the Director of Marketing for businesses who do not want the added expense or the hassle of hiring a marketing coordinator or staff. His concept cuts down on the overhead that many small businesses cannot afford. Wade’s expertise is working with his clients on developing, creating, and implementing a marketing plan for their business.

Wade has spent the past 23 years in the direct mail industry.  His expertise is understanding how small businesses survive in a competitive environment, and understanding the challenges they face on a day-to-day basis.

If you are at a point in your business where you don’t want to hire a dedicated marketing person – but need help coordinating and managing your plan – then Your Marketing Team and Wade is the perfect solution.

If you are not looking for a dedicated marketing person – but need help with specific projects, we can help with that as well.

We look forward to earning your business.

Your Marketing Team - Logo
Located in Cedarburg, WI & Servicing Small Businesses Across the Country
414-349-4662 [email protected]

Have questions? Give us a call or shoot us an email!

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